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One of the main components of cow’s milk is casein protein known to be a slow-digesting whey protein and, therefore, highly valued in the fitness industry. Sports One International provides a vast range of casein protein supplements for fitness enthusiasts in Pakistan at affordable prices.
Casein protein comes in several forms including micellar casein & casein hydrolysate, which is about 80% of cow’s milk. Particularly, casein, which is naturally made, slows down protein absorption by forming clots in the stomach. Unlike casein, casein hydrolysate has a predigested formula. This leads to faster digestion but provides the same benefits as prolonged protein release. While casein and whey proteins are obtained from milk, their digestion speeds are quite different. Unlike whey, casein protein releases amino acids into the blood for about five hours after eating. Casein is unique because it offers muscle nutrition for a long time, especially when one is sleeping. Casein protein powder is best taken at bedtime. This protein takes time to be released and hence assists in the recovery and growth of the muscles during the night in any fitness regimen. At Sports One International, we offer customized casein protein options according to your needs and preferences. – Wide Selection: We provide a range of casein protein products tailored to different dietary requirements. – Competitive Pricing: Our affordable casein protein price ensures no compromise on quality in Pakistan. – Expert Advice: Our team is always available to help you make the best choice of a casein protein supplement. Visit our website or email us to learn more about our casein protein range from around the world. You can also visit our stores in major cities in Pakistan for personalized service.What Makes Casein Protein Unique?
Casein vs. Whey Protein: Understanding the Difference
Optimal Usage of Casein Protein
Why Choose Sports One International for Your Casein Protein Needs?
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